crash pad

Slang. a place to sleep or live temporarily and at no cost.
padding inside cars, tanks, or the like, for protecting passengers in the event of an accident, sudden stop, etc.
Examples from the web for crash pad
  • Use your crash pad carefully to prevent damage to plants near the base of climbs.
  • For late nights, the stroller became the crash pad for them.
  • Because it's generally safer and requires only rock shoes and a crash pad, bouldering is the hottest trend in climbing.
British Dictionary definitions for crash pad

crash pad

(slang) a place to sleep or live temporarily
Slang definitions & phrases for crash pad

crash pad

noun phrase

A place to sleep or live for a day or so, esp for young people traveling about more or less aimlessly and with little money: discouraging intinerant filmmakers, homeless poets, and hangers-on of all kinds from using the room as a crash pad (1960s+ Counterculture)

Idioms and Phrases with crash pad

crash pad

A free, temporary lodging place, as in The company maintains several crash pads for employees from out-of-town divisions. This expression originally referred to a place affording runaways, drug addicts, and the like somewhere to crash in the sense of “sleep.” In time it also was used more broadly, as in the example. [ ; 1960s ]